The GoodCarBadCar Numbers typically lets you in on North American sales statistics or interesting figures relative to a car or manufacturer. Today, these Numbers from Across The Pond - or ponds - are simply an amalgam of facts from abroad that may surprise you.
22,000 - sales of the Land Rover Range Rover Sport in Russia during the 2007 calendar year
17,600 - approximate sales of the supercharged version of the LR Range Rover Sport out of the total 22K
35,000,000 - total gallons of fuel saved by the 700,000 BMWs which will be sold in Europe this year with Efficient Dynamics, BMW's system of engine stop-starting and regenerative braking
24,897 - total Porsche sales outside of Germany & North America in the first half of its current fiscal year, a figure that's up 30%
17,000,000 - total cost, in euros, of Porsche's new offices and dealership in Moscow
52,862 - total new Honda sales in China in March, a figure that's 72% higher than March of 2007
16 - percentage increase in SUV sales for the first quarter of the year in Australia
9206 - total new Ford sales in Australia in March of this year, less than half of Toyota's numbers and a couple thousand behind Holden, GM's Aussie outpost
16 - total sales of Rolls-Royces by Abu Dhabi Motors, BMW's importer in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, in September of 2007
890 - square metres of showroom space for Abu Dhabi Motors' new Rolls-Royce showroom in Umm Al Nar to be opened in 2010