Badge snobbery isn't what it used to be, eh? The thought of buying a Kia, in particular the upcoming Soul, doesn't frighten you and doesn't embarrass your friends. Realistically, it's possible that the ultimate badge snob now overlooks a BMW because of the "economic downturn" and how strongly that car proves his snobbish attitude.
So don't blame the Amanti's induction here to the badge on the grille. Apparently, even fast-growing brands like Kia can hit a snag and build the ugliest entry-lux/large car in the biz. Once the designers were done, the engineers didn't step in to tidy up the suspension. Body roll? You mean body rollover. The Amanti now has power, 264 horses worth, but that negatively affects weight and front-end bias. Of the 3,770 pounds present, 62% reside over the front axle. With float being the only dynamic trait concerning Kia's dynamic set-up guys, this means that during a 90-degree right-hand turn at low speed, the left-front wheel touches the pavement. No, not the tire - the
wheel. Yes, I'm kidding..... but only just.
Don't buy an Amanti if you want to look cool, smart, young, hip, or sane. Car advertisers want you to believe your vehicle of choice speaks volumes about your personality. Amanti driver's personality: not cool, not smart, very old, in need of hip replacement, and quickly losing the ability to make sound decisions.
Necessary Incentivizing To Switch To The Good 12 v2.0: Buy 1 Kia Amanti, receive 1 Hyundai Genesis at a 75% discount.