Driving in Mexico presents a completely different set of potential scenarios that you wouldn't encounter across the Rio Grande or above the 49th parallel. Two 6-week trips spent mainly in the state of Nayarit provided the sort of 'driver training' never offered by my high school or Young Drivers of Canada. An acquaintance of mine drives an '02 Chevrolet Suburban - a favourite of Mexicans who need space and ability - and he drives it well.
Three things of note in the picture below: though 140km/h won't strike Chevrolet Corvette owners as 'heady progress', the tachometer reading of around 2100rpm manifests the ability of Suburbans and Yukon XLs to manage long distance travel. Also, have a look at the fuel gauge. You won't see many Suburbans cruising at this speed with a full tank. Finally, look behind the camera. Oh, right... sorry - you can't see that direction. But can you guess the profession of the driver?