Following up never hurts. GCBC maligned three cars in the previous post (Buick Lacrosse/Saab 9-5/Suzuki Aerio) so today we'll skip the criticism and head straight for celebration.
Lifestyles differ drastically from one individual to another. The first car mentioned could and would supply everything my family needs. Albeit, the first car seats only two comfortably. The second vehicle can squeeze in seven if need be. The third presents itself in the format of a typical family sedan..... with a turbo. All three are attainable cars for regular human beings. Attainable, but not necessarily practical. So, The Good Car Guy offers options. Herein lies the justification.
The Mini Cooper - or Cooper S or Cooper D or Mini One - are suggested purchases. On the authority of The Good Car Guy. Reasons are legion. Here come they.
- Cool. Not a chick car, not a boy-racer, not an old man. Cross culture; cross barrier; cross socioeconomic classifications. Cool.
- On-road dynamics. Admittedly, the steering isn't what it was on the first new Mini, but this car is just a big go-kart. Fun to own, fun to look at, but also very fun to drive.
- Efficient transportation. Fun to drive while also economical? You bet'cha.
- Easy to drive. Fun to drive, cheap to drive (but not buy), and easy to drive.

- The 5 is the best looking minivan you can buy.
- The 5 is up to 4 mpg better than the Honda Odyssey.
- The 5 has lively steering. It pretty much communicates.
- The 5 will never cause your teenagers embarrasment at the school drop-off.
But, I admit, there are those for whom a minivan - even a mini minivan like

- It's a Q-ship. The Subaru is for the mature buyer; young or old. Classy and tasteful. Neither overdone or undercooked.
- It has 243 ponies that perform like 280.
- A manual transmission is available and recommended.
- The purchase of the GT Wagon positions you near the top of The Good Car Guy's good books. Especially if it's black with the manual shifter.